Baan Unrak Children's Home

Sangklaburi, Thailand

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Founded in 1991, Baan Unrak Children’s home provides temporary and permanent housing, food, education as well as emotional support to children and single mothers from Thailand and Myanmar.

The center also runs a weaving center, a bakery/café and a farm, all of which provide vocational training and revenue opportunities. Baan Unrak has a holistic approach, enabling families to stay together and allowing single mothers to work and/or develop skills at the center.

Our impact numbers


Sources of revenue


Motivated staff


Years experience

Initiatives to generate income

Three sources of revenue represent great opportunity for the Home to decrease donor dependency, while having the benefit of also serving as platforms for vocational training and, in the case of the Bakery and the farm, providing healthy food for the Home.

Beneficiary empowerment

Most of the Home’s staff is also a beneficiary. This maximizes the Home’s impact by not only providing a stable home and education for children and women from at-risk and conflict areas, but while doing so, develop their earnings capacity and enabling them to take action to improve their own lives.

Highly motivated and loyal staff

Many key staff have worked at the home for over 20 years many are former children taken in by the Home. Former tenants who have acquired higher education and gained work experience elsewhere are now coming back to the Home to contribute to its growth

Track record of impact

The Home has been active for 27 years and are playing a crucial roles in giving a future to children and single mothers who otherwise would not have access to shelter, education or jobs.

Financial support

• Salary for one skilled staff who was a formerbeneficiary of the Home

• Building of water reservoir

• Display cabinet and freezer for the Bakery

Technical support

• Setting up simple and transparent accounting process for the Bakery

• Milestones for financial performance

• Setting up reporting structure

• Business advice


• With the presence of the skilled staff, improved sense of trust and security within Home as a result of better communications as well as better deals with supplier and improved relationship with local authorities

• Reduced water shortage issues during periods of droughts

• Improved organisational capacity, leading to increase in sales revenue and potentially inc

Chusak Kalayanatham

ChusakKalayanatham first arrived at Baan Unrak when he was just six months old. This was 27 years ago, and Chusak was the first baby that had arrived at the children’s home, where he found a safe place to live and opportunities breakout of poverty. Over the last 26 years, he has graduated from Airline Business Management and became manager of a large business of frozen food importation to China.

In 2017, he left his job in Bangkok and travelled six hours inland to return to Baan Unrak to serve his community.

By the time of our engagement with Baan Unrak, Chusak had been bringing his invaluable support to the Bakery, one of the three revenue generating activities of the Home, but with no or very little salary.

We thus saw the opportunity to sustainably contribute to the growth of the Home by supporting Chusak both financially and technically. In addition to funding some new equipment, our donor has committed to cover Chusak’s salary so that he can afford to stay on and follow through on his vision and projects for the Bakery and the Home.

At Sunline Foundation, we have been working closely with Chusak and his team to improve the financial prospect of the Bakery. We have helped them build afinancial model and review their performance monthly, advising them on business expenses, and assisting them in building a sustainable business model that can set a precedence for their other businesses.

It is expected that within two years, the Bakery will be able to fund their own initiatives and contribute to the day-to-day expenses of the foundation.

Finances aside, Chusak has brought tremendous value to the Home. His unique position a san alumni allows him to take on a management role, while being able to easily connect with the community. He has introduced new ideas and partnership to the Bakery, renegotiated prices and deals with various suppliers and has brought an overall improved sense of trust and security within the Home as a result of better communications.

As the Bakery becomes profitable, we will then move onto another Baan Unrak project and continue our journey together towards self-sufficiency.