The Freedom Story


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Income generation to reduce risk of human trafficking

TFS focuses on preventing child exploitation and human trafficking in Northern Thailand through human rights education, scholarships and resources to empower at-risk Thai children to stay in school, pursue their dreams, and break the cycle of poverty and exploitation

Our impact numbers

Deals with prevention and root causes of human trafficking

In a study of commercially sexually exploited children in the northern region of Chiang Rai, researcher Simon Baker writes, “The best data indicating the number of children at risk of being victims of child prostitution are education enrollment figures. Education is a surrogate measure for both child labour and child prostitution.” According to human trafficking expert Louise Shelly, “Those who are trafficked are the least educated. In the triborder area in Thailand, 22 percent of surveyed prostitutes had never attended school and 41.5% had some exposure to primary education.” TFS focuses on the root cause of human trafficking and works to keep children at school while helping families to increase their income generating capabilities.

Thought leaders and key storytellers in the field of human trafficking

The TFS uses scholarships and resources empower at-risk Thai students to stay in school, pursue their dreams, and break the cycle of poverty and exploitation. They produce resources and regular podcast and are thought leaders in the field of human trafficking. Their efforts in the US are centered around telling dignifying stories that encourage people to become a part of changing our world for the better. TFS’ commitment to providing the best care and practices is unwavering. Throughout the year, they proactively seek opportunities to increase our their organizational capacity, ensuring that their efforts to combat human trafficking are informed by the latest knowledge and best practices. Providing our staff with the capacity to attend relevant trainings and conferences would significantly enhance our organization's ability to improve program practices. TFS is are part of the ARAT (Asia Region Anti-Trafficking Conference) planning committee.

TFS’s research and experience shows that poverty is thedriver of much vulnerability to trafficking. Through this, they provideresources and trainings on soft business skills, financial literacy, andincome-generation activities to our scholarship students and their families. TFScurrently partner with 28 at-risk families to sustainably increase householdincome. These families engage in diverse income-generating activities,including 22 who cultivate vegetables for additional income, 3 involved in cornharvesting and animal sales, 2 families specializing in selling embroiderycrafts, and 1 family sells grilled chicken. By providing sources of sustainableincome, these families are transformed, gaining the greater ability to keeptheir students in school and decreasing the lure of traffickers.

The Sunline Foundation is supporting the sustainability programthat will enable them to expand the market for 7 families, for a total of 35at-risk families in Chiang Rai. In addition, the funding will allow TFS to expandtheir Financial Management trainings and skill development to 60 families inour communities. 


Increased income and reduced risk of children falling victim of human trafficking.