Salai Bai

Siem Reap, Cambodia

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Training in organic agriculture for disadvantaged youths

Siem Reap, Cambodia

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Since recovering from decades of turmoil, genocide, and civil war, Cambodia now faces new challenges. Despite its recent economic growth, it still remains one of the poorest countries in Asia and human and sex trafficking remains a major threat to the younger and poorer communities. Sunline Foundation has partnered with Agir pour le Cambodge, an NGO providing highly successful hotel and restaurant training programs, to conduct training in organic agriculture for 100 disadvantaged youths. The programs aims at helping the young students overcome the pandemic's devastating impact on the tourism industry with more diversified skillsets and become better equipped to tackle the post-covid job market and the challenges of tomorrow including climate change, health and nutrition.  


  • Improved post-pandemic employment prospects for graduates
  • Improved nutrition for graduates as well as all members of the Salai bai community
  • Contribution to environmental sustainability